Thursday, January 29, 2015

ASK 5 - Thank a custodian!

The ASK: Thank a custodian for all of the work they do!

I am partial to this one because my dad is a custodian! I still think it's a great ASK though. We have been having midterms at my high school, so I have only been seeing my middle school students. This leaves some free time to get things done in my office! I ran a stress relief fair last May, and I had a big box filled with supplies from that. I was able to condense the boxes down into a filing cabinet drawer! It cleared out my room a lot, but that meant I had several boxes to throw out. Then, one of those big boxes had a lot of used paper that someone had sent over. So, again, I put out a ton of trash. 

When I put the trash out, I left a note on it (I really enjoy the sticky notes!):

It might not be much, but I hope it helped him to not feel like he is taken for granted. So often, we ignore the people that keep our worlds running smoothly. Take a few minutes to acknowledge that without your school or office custodian, there would be trash all over the place. I've always been aware that I am grateful to my school's custodian - now he knows too!

Considerations for Schools:

  • As with any note-leaving ASK, make sure students have access to sticky notes and don't deface property
  • Students can also go up to a custodian and thank him or her in person
  • Students should not just leave sticky notes randomly around - then they are creating more work! Putting it on a garbage can shouldn't create any more work!

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