Sunday, January 25, 2015

ASK 2 - Leave the restroom better than you found it.

The ASK: Leave the restroom better than you found it.

This ASK was completely spontaneous.  That's the beauty of a project like this - you start spotting ASK opportunities everywhere!  I was in the restroom at Target and noticed that someone had put a new outfit right away.  How did I know? They left their tags all over the place - on the floor, on the top of the toilet paper dispenser, and on top of the sanitary receptacle.  Now, let's make one thing clear.  I was certainly not scrounging around on the floor to pick up garbage.  That would be disgusting.  However, the tags on top of the toilet paper dispenser and sanitary receptacle - that I could handle!  I gathered them up and tossed them out.  It was just a little thing, but it was definitely a kindness for the people that would use that bathroom in the future and the employees that would have to clean it.

Obviously, this will be a bit different when it's for school.  The ASK is "leave the restroom better than you found it.."  How can students do this?  Students can flush a toilet with their foot when they notice that someone else didn't, wipe up water that spilled on the counter or sink, or throw some garbage away (not anything potentially hazardous!).

Considerations for Schools:

  • I can't say this enough - students should NOT touch anything potentially dangerous or hazardous
  • Hopefully, students will never have the opportunity to do this ASK because students will always clean up after themselves.

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